
Gravatar for Laravel 5







Gravatar for Laravel 5 & 5.1

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This package is a quick and simple way to implement Gravatar in your Laravel project. Enjoy!


  • URL generation with customized parameters
  • Full img tags generation with customized parameters and HTML attributes
  • Supports method chaining
  • Secure connection auto-setting

Future Features

Planned features for the future:

  • Possibility to use your own custom image as default (like a logo or something)
  • Configuration file for defaults
  • Gravatar Profiles handling


  1. Get the package

    composer require uibar/gravatar
  2. Add the Service Provider and the Facade to your config/app.php file

    'providers' => [
    'aliases' => [
        'Gravatar' => 'Uibar\Gravatar\Facades\Gravatar',

##Use To get the Gravatar URL it's as simple as:

$gravatar_url = Gravatar::make('[email protected]');

Of course we can also generate a full image tag. For your ease we can do this in multiple ways. Either way, the email is required to be specified.

// We can directly specify some HTML tags as the second parameter of the
// make() method like this:
{!! Gravatar::make('[email protected]', ['class' => 'img-circle']) !!}
// We could specify the email using Method Chaining and then passing TRUE
// to the make() method
{!! Gravatar::email('[email protected]')->make(TRUE) !!}
// Or we can pass an array as the first parameter containing the email and
// the image key as TRUE like this:
{!! Gravatar::make(['email' => Auth::user()->email, 'image' => TRUE]) !!}
// You could also use the image() method chaining if you don't want to
// specify any parameters like so:
{!! Gravatar::image()->make('[email protected]') !!}

All of these will return a default of 80x80 Gravatar.

##Secure Connections The class will set the Gravatar URL automatically based on the Request type. So you don't need to worry about what connection type to use if you have SSL enabled on your domain.

However, there is a way to force using HTTPS to retrieve the Gravatar. Use the forceSecure() method.

$secure_url = Gravatar::forceSecure()->make('[email protected]');
// Or you could specify inside the make() parameter array like this:
$secure_url = Gravatar::make(['email' => '[email protected]', 'forceSecure' => TRUE]);

##Customize To be able to customize your Gravatar return you can refer to the following elements:

$email => The email of the Gravatar

$size => The size in pixels [1 - 2048]

$defaults => Default image set to use if avatar not found [404 | mm | identicon | monsterid | wavatar]

$rating => Accepted image rating [g | pg | r | x]

$image => TRUE or FALSE if you want or not to return the full image tag instead of the image URL

$attributes => The extra attributes you need for the image tag if you chose this way

$forceSecure => Forces the connection to be secure (TRUE | FALSE)

These elements can be changed either by passing them in the first parameter of the make() method as array keys (the order doesn't matter), by Method Chaining or trough the get() method params.

Here are three customized examples with the same effect that illustrates the customization methods:

// The following will output a full image tag with custom size, rating and
// attributes for the img tag:
{!! Gravatar::make([
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'size' => 40,
    'rating' => 'x',
    'image' => TRUE,
    'attributes' => ['class' => 'img-circle']
]) !!}
// The same effect could be accomplished by passing the attributes for the
// img tag as second parameter of the make method and thus not specifying the
// image key as TRUE anymore
{!! Gravatar::make([
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'size' => 40,
    'rating' => 'x'
], ['class' => 'img-circle']) !!}
// Using the get() method
{!! Gravatar::get('[email protected]', 40, 'identicon', 'x', TRUE,
            ['class' => 'img-circle']); !!}
// The order of the elements using this way DOSE MATTER. It will not work unless
// you use it using this exact order:
$url = Gravatar::get($email, $size, $default, $rating, $image, $attributes);

It's up to you to chose the one that best fits your needs.

##Method Chaining You can use method chaining to customize your Gravatar. The same method names are used as the element names above. Let's see some examples:

// For custom URLs:
$custom_url = Gravatar::email('[email protected]')->size(40)
// For custom img tag:
{!! Gravatar::email('[email protected]')->size(40)->rating('x')
    ->attributes(['class' => 'img-circle'])->make(TRUE) !!}
// Or as learned above we could do:
{!! Gravatar::size(40)->rating('x')->make('[email protected]', ['class' => 'img-circle']) !!}

Please note that in method chaining we use make() as the end of the statement not get().

##License This package is released under the MIT license and thus it's free for all to use, distribute and upgrade.

##Thank you! Thanks to these amazing people and their packages I got inspired to write my own representation of Gravatar Helper.

Thank you!