
An API helper library for Laravel.








Devs: To create a new release for composer you need to make your commit, add a tag (new version number), and then push the commit and the tag.

In PHPStorm: Commit, click on log, right click on commit and add tag, push (check push tags).

For development:

In a service using this library you will make two changes to the composer.json to do development.

First change the version of the require for this library to either: "dev-master", "1.x-dev", or "2.x-dev" - depending on which branch you are working on.

Second add this block of code to your composer.json (editing the path):

"repositories": [
        "type": "path",
        "url": "/Users/rmclelland/Projects/laravel_api"

Run composer update from your project directory. This will create a symlink between the library and the project using this library.

composer update uhin/laravel_api

Upgrade guides

Review these documents when upgrading versions.

V1 to V2 Upgrade Guide

V2 to V3 Upgrade Guide

Using Rabbit

Rabbit Builders

php artisan uhin:make:rabbit-builder

The constructor stubs out the configuration for the builder. Modify the constructor to suit your needs. In previous versions of the builder the changes were made in the builder method. This is no longer required but, if needs be, the builder can still be overridden.

public function __construct()

        // You can overwrite these parent values
        // $this->exchange = config('uhin.rabbit.exchange');
        // $this->queue = config('uhin.rabbit.queue');
        // $this->routingKey = config('uhin.rabbit.routing_key');
        // $this->connectionName = 'default';

Rabbit Sender

Single Messages

To send a message to RabbitMQ there are a few ways to do so. The most basic method uses the default exchange, and routing key from the .env.

(new RabbitSender)->send(json_encode([
       'job_id' => '12312312',
       'source' => 'sftp',
       'filename' => 'test-file.x12',
       'data' => 'alskfl'

Another method to send to RabbitMQ takes a RabbitBuilder as a parameter. The sender can now use the parameters of the builder to determine the exchange and routing key.

$rabbit = new RabbitSender(true, new MPILookupQueueBuilder());

The properties of a sender can also be overridden.


Batch Sending

Same usage as single message sending. The sendBatch() method takes an array of messsages and send them in batch. Performance for larger quantities of messages is significantly better.

Rabbit Receiver

The receiver can also take a builder and fills the properties for connecting to RabbitMQ.

Starting/Stopping/Draining Workers


php artisan uhin:workers:start


php artisan uhin:workers:stop


php artisan uhin:workers:drain

Using Twilio SendGrid

First, make sure that you have specified the following config values. The SendGridTemplate class will use these configs:

  • config('mail.from.address')
  • config('mail.from.name')
  • config('mail.sendgrid.api-key')


Example of how to send an email using a SendGrid email template and the SendGridTemplate class:

$templateId = config('mail.sendgrid.template.test');
$email = new SendGridTemplate($templateId);

// Send the email to user1, and CC user2 and user3
$metaDataA = new \SendGrid\Mail\Personalization();
$metaDataA->addDynamicTemplateData('sendgrid_var_1', 'custom data value 1');
$metaDataA->addDynamicTemplateData('sendgrid_var_2', 'custom data value 2');
$metaDataA->addCc(new \SendGrid\Mail\Cc('[email protected]', 'User 2'));
$metaDataA->addCc(new \SendGrid\Mail\Cc('[email protected]', 'User 3'));
$email->addRecipient('[email protected]', 'User 1', $metaDataA);

// Send the email to user4, and BCC user5
$metaDataB = new \SendGrid\Mail\Personalization();
$metaDataB->addDynamicTemplateData('sendgrid_var_1', 'custom data value 3');
$metaDataB->addDynamicTemplateData('sendgrid_var_2', 'custom data value 4');
$metaDataB->addBcc(new \SendGrid\Mail\Bcc('[email protected]', 'User 5'));
$email->addRecipient('[email protected]', 'User 4', $metaDataB);

// Send out the email template with data attached to it