
API client for Laravel







Laravel HTTP Facade wrapper and Token service

This package provides a way to use Laravel HTTP facade with error handling, logging and events firing. There is also Token Service that makes requests to retrieve access token depending on stored configurations or received parameters.

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HttpClient Service

Resolve an HttpClient instance in a way that fits what you need, for example:

use Stoyantodorov\ApiClient\Interfaces\HttpClientInterface;

$apiClient = resolve(HttpClientInterface::class);

Send a request:

$response = $apiClient->get('https://exmple-host', ['queryParam' => 'value']);

You can configure PendingRequest in advance:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;

$apiClient->get('https://exmple-host', ['queryParam' => 'value'], Http::withToken($token));

You can also use baseConfig method to add base configurations:

$apiClien->baseConfig(retries: 3, retryInterval: 3000, timout: 60, connectTimeout: 5, userAgent: 'Test');

This method can receive a configured PendingRequest:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;

$apiClient->baseConfig(retries: 3, pendingRequest: Http::withToken($token));

Use send method for specific HTTP method and format:

use Stoyantodorov\ApiClient\Enums\HttpMethod;
use Stoyantodorov\ApiClient\Enums\HttpRequestFormat;

$apiClient->send(HttpMethod::CONNECT, 'https://exmple-host', HttpRequestFormat::QUERY, []);

Optionally you can add configured PendingRequest to it too:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;
use Stoyantodorov\ApiClient\Enums\HttpMethod;
use Stoyantodorov\ApiClient\Enums\HttpRequestFormat;

$apiClient->send(HttpMethod::CONNECT, 'https://exmple-host', HttpRequestFormat::QUERY, [], Http::withToken($token));

When you need to send a request without error handling, logging and event firing may use sendRequest:

use Stoyantodorov\ApiClient\Enums\HttpClientRequestMethod;

$apiClient->->sendRequest(HttpClientRequestMethod::GET, 'https://exmple-host');

Logging and event firing is configurable trough config values:

    'events' => [
        'onSuccess' => true,
        'onRequestException' => true,
        'onConnectionException' => true,
    'logs' => [
        'onRequestException' => true,
        'onConnectionException' => true,

These configurations can be overridden through HttpClient setters:


Token Service


There are two factories which instantiate TokenService. The first one sets configurations from config file:

use Stoyantodorov\ApiClient\Factories\TokenFromConfigFactory;


When you are using this factory should set the relevant configurations in api-client.php:

'tokenConfigurationsBase' => [
        'accessTokenRequest' => [
            'url' => '',
            'body' => [],
            'headers' => [],
            'responseNestedKeys' => ['access_token'],
            'method' => 'post',
            'dispatchEvent' => true,
        'refreshTokenRequest' => [
            'url' => '',
            'body' => [],
            'headers' => [],
            'responseNestedKeys' => ['access_token'],
            'method' => 'post',
            'dispatchEvent' => true,
        'tokenRequestsRetries' => 3,

The second factory sets configurations from data objects:

use Stoyantodorov\ApiClient\Factories\TokenFromDataFactory;
use Stoyantodorov\ApiClient\Data\TokenData;

$tokenData new TokenData(
            url: 'https://example-host/access-token',
            body: ['username' => 'testValue', 'password' => 'testValue'],


When you are using an endpoint to refresh a token, the factories should be instructed to send such configurations:

TokenFromConfigFactory::create(hasRefreshTokenRequest: true);

use Stoyantodorov\ApiClient\Data\RefreshTokenData;
$refreshTokenData = new RefreshTokenData(
            url: 'https://example-host/refresh-token',
            body: ['refreshToken' => 'testValue'],
TokenFromDataFactory::create(tokenData: $tokenData, refreshTokenData: $refreshTokenData);

You may instruct TokenFromConfigFactory to loads configurations from other config key:

TokenFromConfigFactory::create(configKey: 'anotherApiConfigurations');

If you have an already received token, can send it to both factories as optional parameter:

TokenFromConfigFactory::>create(token: 'someValueOrNull');
TokenFromDataFactory::create(token: 'someValueOrNull');

Obtain a token

get method sends a token request:


If the service is instantiated with an already obtained token, the method returns it instead of sending a new request.

The same method can also send a request that refreshes the token:

$service->get(refresh: true);

The JSON path to the token in the response should be set in config file:

'responseNestedKeys' => ['data', 'access_token'],

or in TokenData and RefreshTokenData

new TokenData(
            url: 'https://example-host/access-token',
            body: ['username' => 'testValue', 'password' => 'testValue'],
            responseNestedKeys: ['data', 'access_token'],
new RefreshTokenData(
            url: 'https://example-host/refresh-token',
            body: ['refreshToken' => 'testValue'],
            responseNestedKeys: ['data', 'access_token'],

When you need to access the response can subscribe for the events which are fired by default:

use Stoyantodorov\ApiClient\Events\AccessTokenObtained;

public function handle(AccessTokenObtained $event): void
    $response = $vent->response;
use Stoyantodorov\ApiClient\Events\AccessTokenRefreshed;

public function handle(AccessTokenRefreshed $event): void
    $response = $vent->response;

If you aren't using these events may switch them off from the config file:

'dispatchEvent' => false,

or TokenData and RefreshTokenData:

new TokenData(
            url: 'https://example-host/access-token',
            body: ['username' => 'testValue', 'password' => 'testValue'],
            dispatchEvent: false,
new RefreshTokenData(
            url: 'https://example-host/refresh-token',
            body: ['refreshToken' => 'testValue'],
            dispatchEvent: false,

API Reference


     * Base configuration for PendingRequest
     * When PendingRequest instance isn't received, new one is created
     * @param array               $headers
     * @param int                 $retries
     * @param int                 $retryInterval
     * @param int                 $timeout
     * @param int                 $connectTimeout
     * @param string|null         $userAgent
     * @param PendingRequest|null $pendingRequest
     * @return self
    public function baseConfig(
        array               $headers = [],
        int                 $retries = 1,
        int                 $retryInterval = 1000,
        int                 $timeout = 30,
        int                 $connectTimeout = 3,
        string|null         $userAgent = null,
        PendingRequest|null $pendingRequest = null,
    ): self;

     * Send a request with given HTTP method, url, options HTTP request format
     * When PendingRequest instance isn't received, new one is created
     * @param HttpMethod          $httpMethod
     * @param string              $url
     * @param HttpRequestFormat   $format
     * @param array               $options
     * @param PendingRequest|null $pendingRequest
     * @return Response|null
    public function send(
        HttpMethod          $httpMethod,
        string              $url,
        HttpRequestFormat   $format,
        array               $options = [],
        PendingRequest|null $pendingRequest = null
    ): Response|null;

     * Send HEAD request
     * When PendingRequest instance isn't received, new one is created
     * @param string              $url
     * @param array               $parameters
     * @param PendingRequest|null $pendingRequest
     * @return Response|null
    public function head(string $url, array $parameters = [], PendingRequest|null $pendingRequest = null): Response|null;

     * Send GET request
     * When PendingRequest instance isn't received, new one is created
     * @param string              $url
     * @param array               $parameters
     * @param PendingRequest|null $pendingRequest
     * @return Response|null
    public function get(string $url, array $parameters = [], PendingRequest|null $pendingRequest = null): Response|null;

     * Send POST request
     * When PendingRequest instance isn't received, new one is created
     * @param string              $url
     * @param array               $body
     * @param PendingRequest|null $pendingRequest
     * @return Response|null
    public function post(string $url, array $body = [], PendingRequest|null $pendingRequest = null): Response|null;

     * Send PUT request
     * When PendingRequest instance isn't received, new one is created
     * @param string              $url
     * @param array               $body
     * @param PendingRequest|null $pendingRequest
     * @return Response|null
    public function put(string $url, array $body = [], PendingRequest|null $pendingRequest = null): Response|null;

     * Send PATCH request
     * When PendingRequest instance isn't received, new one is created
     * @param string              $url
     * @param array               $body
     * @param PendingRequest|null $pendingRequest
     * @return Response|null
    public function patch(string $url, array $body = [], PendingRequest|null $pendingRequest = null): Response|null;

     * Send DELETE request
     * When PendingRequest instance isn't received, new one is created
     * @param string              $url
     * @param array               $body
     * @param PendingRequest|null $pendingRequest
     * @return Response|null
    public function delete(string $url, array $body = [], PendingRequest|null $pendingRequest = null): Response|null;

     * Send a request by given HttpClient request method, url, options
     * Catches RequestException and ConnectionException
     * Logs messages
     * Fires events depending on the configurations
     * $httpMethod parameter should be provided when $apiClientRequestMethod is HttpClientRequestMethod::SEND
     * When PendingRequest instance isn't received, new one is created
     * @param HttpClientRequestMethod $apiClientRequestMethod
     * @param string                 $url
     * @param array                  $options
     * @param PendingRequest|null    $pendingRequest
     * @param HttpMethod|null        $httpMethod
     * @return Response|null
    public function sendRequest(
        HttpClientRequestMethod $apiClientRequestMethod,
        string                 $url,
        array                  $options = [],
        PendingRequest|null    $pendingRequest = null,
        HttpMethod|null        $httpMethod = null,
    ): Response|null;

     * Send request without error handling and event triggering
     * Throw RequestException when throw is true
     * @param HttpClientRequestMethod $apiClientMethod
     * @param string                 $url
     * @param array                  $options
     * @param HttpMethod|null        $httpMethod
     * @param bool                   $throw
     * @return Response
    public function request(
        HttpClientRequestMethod $apiClientMethod,
        string                 $url,
        array                  $options = [],
        HttpMethod|null        $httpMethod = null,
        bool                   $throw = false,

    ): Response;

     * Set PendingRequest when not null value is received
     * @param PendingRequest|null $pendingRequest
     * @return self
    public function setPendingRequest(PendingRequest|null $pendingRequest): self;

     * Get pendingRequest
     * @return PendingRequest|null
    public function getPendingRequest(): PendingRequest|null;

     * Determine if HttpResponseSucceeded event is fired
     * @param bool $value
     * @return self
    public function fireEventOnSuccess(bool $value): self;

     * Determine if HttpRequestFailed event is fired
     * @param bool $value
     * @return self
    public function fireEventOnRequestException(bool $value): self;

     * Determine if HttpConnectionFailed event is fired
     * @param bool $value
     * @return self
    public function fireEventOnConnectionException(bool $value): self;

     * Determine if RequestException occurring is logged
     * @param bool $value
     * @return self
    public function logOnRequestException(bool $value): self;

     * Determine if ConnectionException occurring is logged
     * @param bool $value
     * @return self
    public function logOnConnectionException(bool $value): self;


enum HttpMethod: string
    case HEAD = 'HEAD';
    case GET = 'GET';
    case POST = 'POST';
    case PUT = 'PUT';
    case PATCH = 'PATCH';
    case DELETE = 'DELETE';
    case CONNECT = 'CONNECT';
    case OPTIONS = 'OPTIONS';
    case TRACE = 'TRACE';
enum HttpRequestFormat: string
    case QUERY = 'query';
    case BODY = 'body';
    case JSON = 'json';
    case FORM_PARAMS = 'form_params';
    case MULTIPART = 'multipart';
enum HttpClientRequestMethod: string
    case GET = 'get';
    case HEAD = 'head';
    case POST = 'post';
    case PATCH = 'patch';
    case PUT = 'put';
    case DELETE = 'delete';
    case SEND = 'send';


     * Instantiate TokenInterface
     * When receives $token it is set in TokenInterface instance
     * $hasRefreshTokenRequest determines instantiating RefreshTokenData
     * $configKey refers to token configurations in the config file
     * @param bool        $hasRefreshTokenRequest
     * @param string      $configKey
     * @param string|null $token = null
     * @return TokenInterface
    public static function create(
                              bool $hasRefreshTokenRequest = true,
                              string $configKey = 'tokenConfigurationsBase',
                              #[SensitiveParameter] string|null $token = null,
    ): TokenInterface;


     * Instantiate TokenInterface
     * When receives $token it is set in TokenInterface instance
     * @param TokenData             $tokenData
     * @param RefreshTokenData|null $refreshTokenData = null
     * @param int                   $retries = 3
     * @param string|null           $token = null
     * @return TokenInterface
    public static function create(
        #[SensitiveParameter] TokenData             $tokenData,
        #[SensitiveParameter] RefreshTokenData|null $refreshTokenData = null,
                              int                   $retries = 3,
        string|null                                  $token = null,
    ): TokenInterface;


     * Get Access Token
     * When it's missing request it
     * When $refresh is true make a request to refresh the token
     * @param bool $refresh = false
     * @return string
    public function get(bool $refresh = false): string;


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Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


