
An opinionated Laravel package for model internationalisation.







An opinionated Laravel package for models internationalisation

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I18n is an opinionated package to add internationalisation to a Laravel model.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require nalingia/laravel-i18n

Laravel will discover the related service provider.


This package comes with a ready-to-use migration to enable your model to be internationalised. To create the migration run

 php artisan i18n:table

and then

 php artisan migrate

It has a minimum configuration available. You can publish using

 php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Nalingia\I18n\I18nServiceProvider" --tag="config"

To enable internationalisation in your models, follow these simple steps:

  1. Import Nalingia\I18n\Traits\HasI18n trait into you model.
  2. Add a public property named $catalogueAttributes: it will contains all attributes that will be translated.
  3. Add 'catalogueItems' to model's $with array when using Lavavel 5.6 or below. Starting from Laravel 5.7 imported traits can initialize everything needed when a model is booting. HasI18n can append 'catalogueItems' to $with and $hidden arrays.

Here's an set up example:

use \Nalingia\I18n\Traits\HasI18n;

class Article extends Model {
   use HasI18n;
   public $catalogueAttributes = [

Translations management

There are several way to access property localisations but the easiest one is related to the current application locale:


You can also use this method to access a translation:

public function getCatalogueItem(string $attribute, string $locale) : string

Get a catalogue item

Accessing translation for current application locale is as easy as accessing a model attribute:

// or

If you want to access translation for a different locale, you can call translate(string $key, string $locale):

$article->translate('title', 'it')


$article->getCatalogueItem('title', 'it')

Retrieve all catalogue items

You can get all available catalogue items for a model by calling getCatalogueItems() without providing any argument:


Or you can use the accessor


Retrieve all available locales

You can get all available locale for which exist at least one catalogue item by calling getCatalogueLocales():

  ->setCatalogueItem('title', 'en', 'English title')
  ->setCatalogueItem('abstract', 'en', 'English abstract')
  ->setCatalogueItem('title', 'it', 'Italian title')
  ->setCatalogueItem('abstract', 'it', 'Italian abstract')
  ->setCatalogueItem('abstract', 'de', 'German abstract');
$article->getCatalogueLocales(); // ['it', 'en', 'de']

Setting a catalogue item

Setting translation for current application locale is as easy as setting a model's property:

$article->title = 'Super cool title';
// or
$article->abstract = 'Exciting abstract...';

If you want to translate in locales different to the application one you can call setCatalogueItem(string $key, string $locale, $value):

  ->setCatalogueItem('title', 'en', 'English title')
  ->setCatalogueItem('abstract', 'en', 'English abstract')
  ->setCatalogueItem('title', 'it', 'Italian title')
  ->setCatalogueItem('abstract', 'it', 'Italian abstract');

Remove a catalotue item

You can delete a translation for a specific field:

public function forgetCatalogueItem(string $key, string $locale);

Or, you can delete all translation for a locale:

public function forgetCatalogueItemsForLocale(string $locale);

Creating models

You can set catalogue items when creating new model

$article = Article::create([
    'title' => [
        'en' => 'English title',
        'it' => 'Italian title',
    'abstract' => [
        'en' => 'English abstract',
        'it' => 'Italian abstract',

or you can set only catalogue items that match the current application locale by setting the attribute value without providing any locale key. For example:

// app()->getLocale() == 'de'

$article = Article::create([
    'title' => 'German title'
    'abstract' => 'German abstract',

is the same as

$article = Article::create([
    'title' => [
        'de' => 'German title',
    'abstract' => [
        'de' => 'German abstract',

Change log

Please, see CHANGELOG for more information about what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


You can run the tests with:

composer test




The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


