
Arrangeable behaviour for Laravel eloquent models







Arrangeable behavior for Laravel models

This package provides a trait that adds an arrangeable behavior to an Laravel model. Instances of arrangeable models have an order column with values 0,1,2... Arrangeable models by default do not use a foreign key for grouping, but a foreign key can be specified in configuration, where each group will have it's own ordering. Compatible with Lavavel ^5.5.


You can install using composer:

composer require mtsanford/laravel-arrangeable


To add arrangeable behavior to your model, use the trait MTSanford\LaravelArrangeable\ArrangeableTrait, optionally specifying a foreign key in configuration to group models.

use MTSanford\LaravelArrangeable\ArrangeableTrait;

class MyModel extends Model

    use ArrangeableTrait;

    public $arrangeableConfig = [
        'foreign_key' => 'foreign_id',


ArrangeableTrait::arrangeableMove(array, int | null)

This will move a list of models specified by id to a target group defined by a foreign key, appending them to the end of the target group in the order specified. Models from the target group can be in the source list. Groups with removed items will have their orders adjusted appropriately.

// Move models 4, 5, and 2 to the end of the group with foreign key = 1

// | id | foreign_id | order |                | id | foreign_id | order |
// | -- | ---------- | ----- |                | -- | ---------- | ----- |
// | 1  | 1          | 0     |    BECOMES     | 1  | 1          | 0     |
// | 2  | 1          | 1     |   =========>   | 2  | 1          | 4     |
// | 3  | 1          | 2     |                | 3  | 1          | 1     |
// | 4  | 2          | 0     |                | 4  | 1          | 2     |
// | 5  | 2          | 1     |                | 5  | 1          | 3     |
// | 6  | 2          | 2     |                | 6  | 2          | 0     |

If all the models are in the same foreign key group and will remain there, there is no need to specify it. Reordering an entire group is just a special case of this.

// reverse the order of the models with foreign key = 2

// | id | foreign_id | order |                | id | foreign_id | order |
// | -- | ---------- | ----- |                | -- | ---------- | ----- |
// | 1  | 1          | 0     |    BECOMES     | 1  | 1          | 0     |
// | 2  | 1          | 1     |   =========>   | 2  | 1          | 1     |
// | 3  | 1          | 2     |                | 3  | 1          | 2     |
// | 4  | 2          | 0     |                | 4  | 2          | 2     |
// | 5  | 2          | 1     |                | 5  | 2          | 1     |
// | 6  | 2          | 2     |                | 6  | 2          | 0     |

Also if the model has no foreign key, there is no need to specify it.

// Move models 2 and 1 to the end of the arrangement group

// | id | order |                | id | order |
// | -- | ----- |                | -- | ----- |
// | 1  | 0     |    BECOMES     | 1  | 3     |
// | 2  | 1     |   =========>   | 2  | 2     |
// | 3  | 2     |                | 3  | 0     |
// | 4  | 3     |                | 4  | 1     |

ArrangeableTrait::arrangeableFixOrder(int | null)

A convenient utility should your operations cause the ordering to become irregular. Again, the foreign key parameter is only needed if there is a foreign key specified in $arrangeableConfig (see below).


// | id | foreign_id | order |                | id | foreign_id | order |
// | -- | ---------- | ----- |                | -- | ---------- | ----- |
// | 1  | 1          | 0     |    BECOMES     | 1  | 1          | 0     |
// | 2  | 1          | 5     |   =========>   | 2  | 1          | 1     |
// | 3  | 1          | 8     |                | 3  | 1          | 2     |
// | 4  | 2          | 0     |                | 4  | 2          | 0     |

Create and Delete

By default, 'creating' and 'deleted' model events are listened to, and the orders within the group are kept up to date.

new MyModel(['foreign_id' => 1]);

// | id | foreign_id | order |                | id | foreign_id | order |
// | -- | ---------- | ----- |                | -- | ---------- | ----- |
// | 1  | 1          | 0     |    BECOMES     | 1  | 1          | 0     |
// | 2  | 1          | 1     |   =========>   | 2  | 1          | 1     |
// | 3  | 1          | 2     |                | 3  | 1          | 2     |
//                                            | 4  | 1          | 3     |


// | id | foreign_id | order |                | id | foreign_id | order |
// | -- | ---------- | ----- |                | -- | ---------- | ----- |
// | 1  | 1          | 0     |    BECOMES     | 1  | 1          | 0     |
// | 2  | 1          | 1     |   =========>   | 3  | 1          | 1     |
// | 3  | 1          | 2     |

Arrange query scope


// | id | order |
// | -- | ----- |
// | 1  | 0     |
// | 2  | 1     |   =======>  [1,2,4,3]
// | 3  | 3     |
// | 4  | 2     |


These are the default configuration settings:

    protected static $arrangeableConfigDefaults = [
        'primary_key'    => 'id',
        'order_key'      => 'order',
        'foreign_key'    => NULL,
        'start_order'    => 0,
        'handle_create'  => true,
        'handle_delete'  => true,

//        primary_key:     primary key of the model
//        order_key:       the column in the model that holds the order
//        foreign_key:     order will be maintained with models that have same foreign key
//                         or in the entire table if NULL.
//        start_order      value of order_key for the start of the list
//        handle_create    automatically set order_key on new models to end of list?
//        handle_delete    automatically maintain order when a model is removed?

To override any of them, define a static property $arrangeableConfig in your model.

class MyModel extends Model
    use ArrangeableTrait;

    public static $arrangeableConfig = [
        'foreign_key'  => 'parent_id',
        'start_order'  => 1,


The package contains some phpunit tests, using Orchestra. After installation run:

$ vendor/bin/phpunit


Inspired by spatie/eloquent-sortable.


Mark Sanford is a developer in San Francisco.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


