
This packages provides you with the ability to easily connect your Laravel application to







alt text


Version Issues Licence PHP Syntax Checker

This packages provides you with the ability to easily connect your Laravel application to



You can install the package via composer:

composer require marshmallow/translated-com
php artisan migrate
php artisan marshmallow:resource TranslatedComOrder TranslatedCom
php artisan marshmallow:resource TranslatedComConfirmation TranslatedCom
php artisan marshmallow:resource TranslatedComResult TranslatedCom

Next; publish the config:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Marshmallow\\TranslatedCom\\TranslatedComServiceProvider"

Make sure it's allowed for to do a POST request to the route where we handle the response by adding it to the $except array in the VerifyCsrfToken middleware.

protected $except = [

Resource usage

Your models

You can create an order at from your models. You do need to prepare your models for this. You need to make sure this package knows which columns on your model should be translated and what kind of data is in the column. Also, you need to implement the TranslatedCom trait.

use Marshmallow\TranslatedCom\Objects\DataFormat;
use Marshmallow\TranslatedCom\Traits\TranslatedCom;

class Page extends Model
    use TranslatedCom;

    protected $translated_com = [
        'name' => DataFormat::PLAINTEXT,
        'layout' => DataFormat::FLEX,
        'content' => DataFormat::HTML,

Once your model implemantation is ready, you can get this model and create the order like the example below.

$page = Page::first();

You can also overrule the defaults from the config by calling the setter methods as an array. Please check the example below:

	'setSourceLanguage' => ['DE'],
	'setTargetLanguage' => ['ES'],
	'setEndpoint' => [''],
	'setOutputFormat' => [OutputFormat::JSON],
	'setUsername' => ['[email protected]'],
	'setPassword' => ['mr-mallow-2021'],
	'setSandbox' => [true],
	'setJobType' => [JobType::PROFESSIONAL],
	'setProjectName' => ['Marshmallow'],
	'setDataFormat' => [DataFormat::PLAINTEXT],


If you are using the flexible package, you need to add the same logic as above to your Flexible layouts. Please make sure you use the DataFormat::FLEX on your model implementation so we know that we need to get the flexible information.

use Marshmallow\TranslatedCom\Objects\DataFormat;
use Marshmallow\TranslatedCom\Traits\TranslatedCom;

class ContentWithLeftTitleLayout extends MarshmallowLayout
    use TranslatedCom;

    protected $translated_com = [
        'title' => DataFormat::PLAINTEXT,
        'content' => DataFormat::HTML,

Manual usage

Get a quote

First you create a new quote. You will have to confim this qoute before will start translating your content. This request will return the full response of the API. This is done because you might not have the database option enabled in the config. Because you get the full response, you can do anything with it.

use Marshmallow\TranslatedCom\Facades\TranslatedCom;

 * The response of the api
 * @var \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response
$response = TranslatedCom::qoute('Test string')->run();

Accept a quote

Once a qoute has been done, you need to confim/accept it so it will be translated. Use the command below to make this happen. This request will return the full response of the API. This is done because you might not have the database option enabled in the config. Because you get the full response, you can do anything with it.

use Marshmallow\TranslatedCom\Facades\TranslatedCom;

 * The response of the api
 * @var \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response
$response = TranslatedCom::confirm($pid = 10000)->run();

Get the translation

Once has translated your text, they will send a response to your server. By default this will be send to the /translated-com/callback url of your application but this can be changed in your config file. If you are going to change this and handle the response yourself you should implement this with the following logic in mind. will send a POST request to the url u provide in the config file with the following data:

    "text": "VGVzdCBzdHJpbmc=",
    "pid": "36078716",
    "t": "Dutch"


When a translation is received, this package will trigger the TranslationRecieved event. You can listen to this and do any magic you need to perform when a translation is finalized. Listen to this event in you EventServiceProvider.

use Marshmallow\TranslatedCom\Events\TranslationRecieved;

protected $listen = [


    TranslationRecieved::class => [
        // Your listeners

You will have the following public variables to access in your listener.

namespace App\Listeners;

use Marshmallow\TranslatedCom\Events\TranslationRecieved;

class TranslatedComSandboxListener
    public function handle(TranslationRecieved $event)
         * The order that was send to
         * @var Marshmallow\TranslatedCom\Models\Order

         * The confirmation that was send to
         * @var Marshmallow\TranslatedCom\Models\Confirmation

         * The result that was received from
         * @var Marshmallow\TranslatedCom\Models\Result

Test run

If you want to create a test run to validate your callback is working properly, you can use the command below.

php artisan translated-com:test


Below we have listed all the public methods that you can use to add more data to the translation request or override the behaviour of the config file.


Below you will find the methods you can use to enrich your translation data. When you create a quote, most of these fields are filled via the config file so please reference the config file to see if you can just used that.

$quote->setText(string $text);
$quote->setSourceLanguage(string $source_language);
$quote->setTargetLanguage(string $target_language);
$quote->setTargetLanguages(array $target_language);
$quote->setProjectName(string $project_name);
$quote->setJobType(string $job_type);
$quote->setWordCount(int $word_count);
$quote->setDataFormat(string $data_format);
$quote->setTranslationMemory(string $translation_memory);
$quote->setEndpoint(string $endpoint = null);
$quote->setSubject(string $subject);
$quote->setInstructions(string $instruction);
$quote->setUsername(string $username);
$quote->setPassword(string $password);
$quote->setOutputFormat(string $output_format = null);


Below you will find the methods you can use to enrich your translation data. When you create a confirmation you need to add them to the constructor so these methods will be run by default.

$confirm->setProjectIdentifier(int $project_identifier);
$confirm->setConfirmationFlag(bool $confirmation_flag);


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


