
Users Roles & Permissions for routes







Laravel Source License

Laravel LPermissions adds roles and permissions to Auth Laravel 5.3. Protect your routes and your views.

Table of Contents


  • This package requires PHP 5.5+
  • This package requires Laravel 5.3


1. Require the package in your composer.json and update your dependency with composer update:

"require": {
"leoche/laravel-lpermissions": "1.0",

2. Add the package to your application service providers in config/app.php.

'providers' => [


3. Publish the package migrations to your application and run these with php artisan migrate.

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Leoche\LPermissions\LPermissionsServiceProvider"

4. Add the middleware to your app/Http/Kernel.php.

protected $routeMiddleware = [

'permission' => \Leoche\LPermissions\Middleware\checkPermission::class,


5. Add the HasRole trait to your User model.

use Leoche\LPermissions\Traits\HasRole;

class User extends Model implements AuthenticatableContract, CanResetPasswordContract
use Authenticatable, HasRole;

Methods Usage


Creating roles

$role = new Role();
$role->name = 'Admin';
//The slug will be automatically generated from the role name

Assign or Remove a role

$user = User::find(1);
$user->setRole(2); // with id
$user->setRole("Admin"); // with slug/name

Assign or remove an inherit role to a role

$role = Role::find(1);
$role->setInheritRole(2); //with id

Assign or remove a permission to a role or a user

$role = Role::find(1);
$role->setPermission("admin/*", "*");
$role->removePermission("/admin/*", "*");

$user = User::find(1);
$user->setPermission("secretpage", "GET");
$user->removePermission("secretpage", "GET");

$user = User::find(1);
$user->removeAllPermissions(); //delete all permissions of user
$user->getRole->removeAllPermissions(); //delete all permissions of user's role

$role = Role::find(1);

Notes : LPermissions parse permissions path as:

Given Path Parsed path
home/ home
/blog/:slug blog/:slug
blog/:alpha/ blog/:alpha
/blog/:number/comments/ blog/:number/comments
Given keys Regex
* (.*?)
:number (\d*?)
:alpha ([A-z]*?)
:alphanum ([A-z0-9]*?)
:slug ([A-z0-9-_]*?)

Routes Usage

You just have to specifythe middleware to the group route. It will check for permission and abort 401 if unauthorised

Route::get('/home', function () {
	return "You can go here";
Route::group(['middleware' => ['auth']], function () {
	Route::get('/home1', function () {
		return "You can go here if you're logged";
Route::group(['middleware' => ['permission']], function () {
	Route::get('/home2', function () {
		return "You can go here if you or your role have '/home2' or '/*' permission";
Route::group(['middleware' => ['auth','permission']], function () {
	Route::get('/home3', function () {
		return "You can go here if you're logged and you or your role have '/home3' or '/*' permission";

Blades Usage

In your blades view you can use directives to show something (eg: links, infos) only if the user has the permission or the role

 //Only shown to users who can access to admin dashboard
 //Only shown to users who can access to admin posts with method POST

 //Only shown to moderators role
 //Has any roles
 //Has no role (Eg: role_id=0)


Users Table

id username role_id
1 Mike 0
2 Lisa 1
3 John 2

Roles Table

id inherit_id name
1 1 Admin
2 0 Member

Permissions Table

id route method user_id role_id
1 /admin/* * 0 1
2 /account/* GET 0 2
3 /secret GET 1 0

Route web.php

Route::get('/', function () {
	return "home ppage";

Route::group(['middleware' => ['auth','permission']], function () {
	Route::get('/secret', function () {
		return "SECRET PAGE";
	Route::get('/account', function ($id) {
		return "view account infos";

Route::group(["prefix" => "admin",'middleware' => ['auth','permission']], function () {
	Route::get('/', function () {
		return view('dashboard');
	Route::ressource('posts', 'PostController');

Everyone can see the homepage

Only mike can view /secret

Lisa can do anything in /admin/* and view account pages (inherit from members)

John can only view accounts pages


  • Function to assign/revoke role to users
  • Function to assign/revoke permission to role
  • Function to inherit role to role

