
Laravel Ampere








Ampere is a simple and flexible admin panel for Laravel framework.


  1. Installation
  2. Configuration
  3. Routing
  4. Menu
  5. Controller
  6. ACL
  8. Grid
  9. Forms


Install package

composer require exeplor/ampere

Add service provider to app.php

'providers' => [
    // ...
    // ...

Create new ampere space and follow the instructions

php artisan ampere:install

Run migrations after first install

php artisan ampere:migrate


return [

     * Main configuration
    'app' => [

         * Ampere url path
        'url_prefix' => 'myadminpanel',

     * Routing configuration
    'routing' => [

         * Controllers folder
        'folder' => 'app/Http/Controllers/Admin',

         * Controller namespace
        'namespace' => 'App\Http\Controllers\Admin',

         * Space route prefix
         * Route space name
        'prefix' => 'my.custom.name',
        // Example: route('my.custom.name.some.method')

         * Custom route group
        'group' => [
            // If you have some specific middleware or other config
            // This place for Route::group() arguments
            'domain' => env('APP_DOMAIN')

     * Ampere DB configuration
    'db' => [
        'prefix' => 'amp_'

     * Authorization config
    'auth' => [

         * Captcha settings
        'google_captcha' => [
            'enabled' => env('AMPERE_CAPTCHA_ENABLED', false),
            'site_key' => env('AMPERE_CAPTCHA_SITE_KEY'),
            'secret_key' => env('AMPERE_CAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY')

     * Installation settings
    'install' => [
         * Ampere public assets folder
        'assets_folder' => 'vendor/admin'

     * Views configuration
    'views' => [
        'name' => 'admin'


Ampere have dynamic route generation. All routes are built automatically depending on the name of the controller and parent folder. Also you can customize route using controller and method annotations.

 * Class HomeController
 * @package App\Http\Controllers\Admin
class HomeController extends Controller 
     * @return void
    public function foo()
        // Route result
        // GET /admin/home/foo
     * @route bar
    public function firstMethod()
        // Result
        // GET /admin/home/bar
     * @route entity/{id}
    public function secondMethod(int $id)
        // Result
        // GET /admin/home/entity/{$id}
     * @route update/{id}
     * @post
    public function thirdMethod(int $id)
        // Result
        // POST /admin/home/update/{$id}
     * @post secondMethod
    public function fourthMethod(int $id)
        // You can inherit route by method name in this controller
        // @post <controller_method_name>
        // Result
        // POST /admin/home/entity/{$id}
     * @route some/route
     * @put
    public function fifthMethod()
        // Result
        // PUT /admin/home/some/route
     * @route some/route
     * @delete
    public function sixthMethod()
        // Result
        // DELETE /admin/home/some/route

Now you can get any route by specific controller method

$route = HomeController::route('secondMethod', [1]);
echo $route->route(); # return "ampere.home.someroutepath"
echo $route->url(); # return "home/entity/1"

if ($route->access()) {
    echo 'This route available for current user'; 


Menu will be generated automatically. You can modify your menu in menu config file:


Use annotations in controller methods for creating menu items.

 * Class HomeController
 * @package App\Http\Controllers\Admin
class HomeController extends Controller
     * @route foo
     * @menu Home
    public function home()
        // Menu items:
        // Home > [link to "home/foo"]
     * @menu Items > First
    public function first()
        // Menu items:
        // Home [link to "home/foo"]
        // Items
        //     First [link to "home/first"]
     * @menu Items > Second
    public function first()
        // Menu items
        // Home [link to "home/foo"]
        // Items (submenu item)
        //     First [link to "home/first"]
        //     Second [link to "home/second"]


In most cases you will need to create CRUD controller. Ampere has special command to automate this task.

php artisan am:crud Users/Permissions

Any CRUD controller have model. Ampere analyzes the table structure and model structure, creating validation and relationships based on this data. Also this method generate view.


From the box you have full ACL for all routes, menu items in all controllers with their method. You can manage roles and permissions from the controller which created on installation.


For render view in Ampere space you need to call render() function in you controller.

public function home()
    return $this->render('home', ['value' => 'hello']);

View example

     * @var \Ampere\Services\Workshop\Page\Layout $layout Layout configuration
     * @var \Ampere\Services\Workshop\Component $component Components manager
     * @var \Ampere\Services\Workshop\Page\Assets $include Assets manager
     * @var \Ampere\Services\Workshop\Form\Form $form Form builder
     * @var object $data Your arguments here

@php($component->show('header', [
    'title' => 'Users',
    'subtitle' => 'List of Users',
    'buttons' => [
        'create' => [
            'title' => 'Create new User',
            'route' => \App\Http\Controllers\Admin\UsersController::route('create'),
            'type' => 'primary'

<div class="ibox">
    <div class="ibox-body ibox-nopadding">
        Some content

You can create new Ampere page using command:

php artisan am:page mypage

And your page will be created in /resources/views/<ampere_space_name>/pages/mypage.blade.php


It's a default Ampere library for data search. Basic exmaple:

use Ampere\Services\Grid\Grid;

 * Class UsersController
 * @package App\Http\Controllers\Admin
class UsersController extends Controller
     * @menu Users
     * @param Grid $grid
    public function index(Grid $grid)
            ->column('id', '#')->strict()->sortable()->asc()
            ->column('name', 'Name')->search()
            ->column('email', 'Email')->search()
                0 => 'No',
                1 => 'Yes'

        $grid->action('icon:flag-checkered')->success()->route(self::route('stats'), 'id');
        $grid->action('icon:pencil-alt')->primary()->route(self::route('edit'), 'id');
        $grid->action('icon:trash-alt', 'delete')->danger()->route(self::route('delete'), 'id');

        return $this->render('users.index', ['mygrid' => $grid]);

Also you can use relation values to display and search.

    ->column('id', '#')->sortable()->asc()

Render your grid in view

<div class="ibox">
    <div class="ibox-body ibox-nopadding">

Column description

$column = $grid->column('id', '#');
$column->strict(); // Strict search
$column->search(); // Default match search
$column->sortable(); // Column can by sortable
$column->asc(); // Default sort by ASC
$column->desc(); // Default sort by DESC
$column->date(); // Datetime range filtration

    'first' => 'First value',
    'second' => 'Second value'
]); // Dropdown column type

    return 'Display custom value ' . $rowModel->someValue;

Add actions to your grid

$button = $grid->action('Edit');

// Colorize your button
$button->primary(); // Primary color
$button->success();  // Success color
$button->danger();  // Danger color

// Custom route
$button->route(function(\App\Models\User $user){
    return route('some.route.user', $user->id);

// Ampere route
$button->route('users.show', 'id'); // second argument

// Similarly
$button->route(SomeController::route('show'), 'id');


Build form with basic fields:

<!-- Open form and use model if entity exists  -->
{!! $form->open()->model($user) !!}

<!-- Input -->
        ->input('name', 'Personal name') 
        ->type('number') // this is a "type" attribute of input
        ->value('my default value') // Filled automatically if model exists end field is not empty
        ->placeholder('Enter your name')
        ->disabled() // Disable field
        ->inline() // Show as inline form component
        ->error('Some error') // Show force error

<!-- Dropdown -->
{!! $form
        ->select('dropdown', 'Dropdown type')
            'first_key' => 'First value',
            'second_key' => 'Second value'
        ->multiple() // Can choice many items
        ->tags() // Can choice custom string value. Works with multiple() type
        ->source(UserController::route('search')) // Use lifesearch
        ->placeholder('My placeholder')
        ->error('Some error')

<!-- Textarea -->
        ->textarea('about', 'Information about user')
        ->value('Custom value')
        ->placeholder('My placeholder')
        ->error('Some error')

<!-- Radio type -->
        ->radio('radio_buttons', 'Some radio')
            'new' => 'New article',
            'draft' => 'Draft article',
            'published' => 'Published article'

<!-- Checkbox -->
    $form->checkbox('checkbox_item', 'Status checked')
        ->title('Active status')

<!-- Close form -->
{!! $form->close() !!}

All components works with validation errors. You can use your own components without builder.


