
A short description of what your package does








An easy way to integrate AdminLTE into your laravel applications.

  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. Overriding Laravel Authentication Views
  4. Configuration
  5. Blade Templates (Layout, Component and Partial Views)
    1. Main Layout
    2. Page Component
    3. Box Component
    4. Table Box Component
    5. Info Box Component
  6. [Optional] Overrriding the default views

1. Introduction

This package depend on other packages under the hood, these packages are:

2. Installation

You can install laravel-adminlte using composer cli by running:

composer require elnooronline/laravel-adminlte

Then run the following command to publish the required assets and files:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=adminlte-assets --tag=adminlte-breadcrumbs --tag=adminlte-config

3. Overriding Laravel Authentication Views

After following the steps in Authentication Quick Start you can replace the created authentication views by the adminlte views by running the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=adminlte-auth --force

4. Configuration

After publish the configuration files in step 1 a two configuration files will be published config/adminlte.php and config/breadcrumbs.php.


// config/adminlte.php

return [

     * The logo of the dashboard.
    'logo' => '<b>Laravel</b> AdminLTE',

     * The small logo of the dashboard.
    'small_logo' => '<b>Lara</b> LTE',

     * The name of the dashboard.
    'name' => 'Web App Name',

    'appearence' => [

         * Supported values are black, black-light, blue, blue-light,
         *  green, green-light, purple, purple-light,
         *  red, red-light, yellow and yello-light.
        'skin' => 'red',

         * The direction of the dashboard.
        'dir' => 'ltr',

         * The header items that will be rendered.
        'header' => [
            'items' => [

         * The sidebar items that will be rendered.
        'sidebar' => [
            'items' => [

    'urls' => [
        | URLs
        | Register here your dashboard main urls, base, logout, login, etc...
        | The options that can be nullable is register and password_request meaning that it can be disabled.
        'base' => '/',
        'logout' => 'logout',
        'login' => 'login',
        'register' => 'register',
        'password_request' => 'password/reset',
        'password_email' => 'password/email',
        'password_reset' => 'password/reset',

You can take a look at Laravel Breadcrumbs Documentation for the configuration details about config/breadscrumbs.php file.

5. Blade Templates (Layout, Component and Partial Views)

This package include a layout and components that wraps the most of adminlte elements. It is recommended to read more about layouts in AdminLTE documentation.

1. Main Layout

This is the main Think of the main layout as a container for including your content within adminlte header and sidebar. The following is an example of using the adminlte::layout.main:


   {-- Content--} 

Note: the content will be wrapped automatically within <div class="content-wrapper"></div>.

2. Page Component

The page component is a container for your content that contain <section class="content-header"></section> for holding title and breadcrumbs and <section class="content"></section> for holding the page content. Example:

@component('adminlte::page', ['title' => 'Home', 'sub_title' => 'Main page...', 'breadcrumb' => 'BREADCRUMB_NAME'])
   The page content... 


The options sub_title and breadcrumb are optional.

The page component is responsible for displaying the flash messages.

The BREADCRMB_NAME is the name of your defined breadcrumb in routes/breadcrumbs.php file.

Example with sending data to breadcrmbs:

@component('adminlte::page', ['title' => 'Home', 'breadcrumb' => ['home', $user]])
 The page content...

3. Box Component

The box component is a wrapper for AdminLTE box. Example code:

    You're logged in!

A more advanced example:

@component('adminlte::box', ['title' => 'Box component (solid)', 'solid' => true, 'style' => 'info'])
        <button class="btn btn-warning">Button</button>
        Box component contents...
        <p>Box footer</p>

Note: the supported styles are default, primary, info, warning, success and danger.

4. Table Box Component

The table box component can be used to put a table directly within an adminlte box component. Example usage:

@component('adminlte::table-box', ['collection' => $users])
    @foreach ($users as $user)
            <td>{{ $user->name }}</td>
            <td>{{ $user->email }}</td>


The component will automatically render the pagination links.

You don't need to handle empty collection by yourself, the view will display a helpful message if the collection is empty.

5. Info Box

The info box component is a wrapper for AdminLTE Info Box. Example usage:

@include('adminlte::info-box', [
    'icon_color' => 'blue',
    'icon' => 'thumbs-up',
    'text' => 'likes',
    'number' => '2000',


@include('adminlte::info-box', [
    'style' => 'red',
    'icon' => 'heart',
    'text' => 'loves',
    'number' => '500000',
    'progress' => 70,
    'progress_description' => '70% of the people loved your project!',

6. [Optional] Overrriding the default views

You are free to modify the package views, If you wish you can run the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=adminlte-views

Now, you can edit the views in resources/views/vendor/adminlte.

Note: It is NOT RECOMMENDED to publish the package views because it will mute any future updates and bugfixes. So do not publish the views unless you know what you are doing.


