
A Laravel package for integrating the HelloCash gateway







HelloCash for Laravel

Latest Version on Packagist Software License Build Status Quality Score

HelloCash logo

This package provides an interface for the HelloCash API. It handles the Invoices, and Payments, as well as Webhooks.

Check out the documentation for more information: https://api-et.hellocash.net/docs/

Note: This project is not an official package, and I'm not affiliated with HelloCash in any way.

Table of Contents



Install the package through Composer.

This package requires Laravel 5.0 or higher, and uses Guzzle to make API calls. Use the appropriate version according to your dependencies.

HelloCash for Laravel Guzzle Laravel
~1.0 ~5.0 ~5.0
~2.0 ~6.0 ~5.0
~3.0 ~6.0 ~5.5
composer require drsdre/laravel-hellocash

Service Provider

This package supports auto-discovery for Laravel 5.5.

If you are using an older version, add the following service provider in your config/app.php.

'providers' => [


In config/hellocash.php the connection parameters are managed. It is recommended to use 'token' based authentication instead of 'credentials'.

return [
    'principal' => env('HELLOCASH_PRINCIPAL'),
    'credentials' => env('HELLOCASH_CREDENTIALS'),
    'token' => env('HELLOCASH_TOKEN'),
    'system' => env('HELLOCASH_SYSTEM'),
    'webhook_secret' => env('HELLOCASH_WEBHOOK_SECRET'),

The principal and system data you get from HelloCash. The 'token' you generate in the HelloCash portal in connection or through the 'connection' API endpoint.

Read more about API authentication in the documentation: https://api-et.hellocash.net/docs/#/Authenticate

Handling Webhooks

HelloCash supports Webhooks, and this package offers a controller which can be extended to handle incoming notification events. Make sure to set the 'HELLOCASH_WEBHOOK_SECRET' environment parameter. This can be generated in the HelloCash portal connection settings or through 'connection' API endpoint.

Read more about the Webhooks on the wiki: https://api-et.hellocash.net/docs/#/Connection

Extend the controller

You can make one controller to handle all the events, or make a controller for each event. Either way, your controllers must extend the drsdre\HelloCash\WebhookController. The webhook verification is handled automatically.

HelloCash send updates on transfers and invoices through the webhook. To handle those events, you controller must extend the handleEventNotification method.


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use drsdre\HelloCash\WebhookController as BaseController;

class WebhookController extends BaseController
     * Handle payment notifications.
     * @param  Request $request
    protected function handleEventNotification(Request $request)
        $event = $request->EventData;

Define the route

In your routes/web.php define the following route for the webhook you have in your profile, replacing the URI(s) and your controller(s) accordingly.

Route::match(['post', 'get'], 'hellocash/webhooks', 'WebhookController@handle');

Exclude from CSRF protection

Don't forget to add your webhook URI(s) to the $except array on your VerifyCsrfToken middleware.


namespace App\Http\Middleware;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken as Middleware;

class VerifyCsrfToken extends Middleware
     * The URIs that should be excluded from CSRF verification.
     * @var array
    protected $except = [

API Methods

Postman Collection

A Postman collection is available to test the calls. Make sure to setup an environment with the following keys:

Run in Postman


Create or validate an invoice

See: https://api-et.hellocash.net/docs/#/Invoice

$HC_invoice = app(drsdre\HelloCash\Requests\Invoice::class);

$invoice = $HC_invoice->create(

Get the status of an invoice

See: https://api-et.hellocash.net/docs/#!/Invoice/invoice_findByIdWrap

$HC_invoice = app(drsdre\HelloCash\Requests\Invoice::class);

$invoice = $HC_invoice->get('175936509216');

Search for invoices

See: https://api-et.hellocash.net/docs/#!/Invoice/invoice_findWrap

$HC_invoice = app(drsdre\HelloCash\Requests\Invoice::class);

$invoices = $HC_invoice->search(['status' => 'PENDING']);

Remove an invoice

See: https://api-et.hellocash.net/docs/#!/Invoice/invoice_deleteById

$HC_invoice = app(drsdre\HelloCash\Requests\Invoice::class);

$response = $HC_invoice->remove('175936509216');


Create or validate a new transfer

See: https://api-et.hellocash.net/docs/#!/Transfer/transfer_create

$HC_transfer = app(drsdre\HelloCash\Transfer::class);

$transfer = $HC_transfer->create(

Search for transfers

See: https://api-et.hellocash.net/docs/#!/Transfer/transfer_find

$HC_transfer = app(drsdre\HelloCash\Transfer::class);

$transfers = $HC_transfer->search(['status' => 'PENDING']);

Get a transfer by ID

See: https://api-et.hellocash.net/docs/#!/Transfer/transfer_findByIdWrap

$HC_transfer = app(drsdre\HelloCash\Transfer::class);

$transfer = $HC_transfer->get('LUC00000248255ETH');

Cancel a transfer

See: https://api-et.hellocash.net/docs/#!/Transfer/transfer_cancel

$HC_transfer = app(drsdre\HelloCash\Transfer::class);

$response = $HC_transfer->cancel(['LUC00000248255ETH']);

Authorize a group of transfers

See: https://api-et.hellocash.net/docs/#!/Transfer/transfer_authorize

$HC_transfer = app(drsdre\HelloCash\Transfer::class);

$response = $HC_transfer->authorize(['LUC00000248255ETH']);


Setup an connection to your webhook URL

See: https://api-et.hellocash.net/docs/#!/Connection/connection_create

$webhook = app(drsdre\HelloCash\Webhook::class);

$key = $webhook->verify();


When the HelloCash API returns an error, a drsdre\HelloCash\HelloCashException is thrown.

For any other HTTP error a GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException is thrown.


Unit tests are triggered by running phpunit --group unit.

To run functional tests you have to include a .env file in the root folder, containing the credentials (HELLOCASH_PRINCIPAL, HELLOCASH_CREDENTIALS, HELLOCASH_SYSTEM), in order to hit the HelloCash staging API. Then run phpunit --group functional to trigger the tests.


