
Laravel package for rating users, posts or other models with ease. You can even give a rating to a user for their role on other models i.e., post author or post illustrator.







Laravel ratings

Rate users, posts or other models with ease. You can even give a rating to a user for their role on other models i.e., post author or post illustator.



You can install this package via composer using this command:

composer require dorvidas/laravel-ratings

Include service provider and config into bootstrap/app.php:



You can install this package via composer using this command:

composer require dorvidas/laravel-ratings

Add service provider:


Publish vendor files:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=public --force


Giving a rating

In order to rate a model you need to access [RatingBuilder](#API of rating builder) instance. This can be done in several ways:

  • By newing up instance manually:
    $builder = new \Dorvidas\Ratings\RatingBuilder;
  • Via facade
  • Via \Dorvidas\Ratings\RateableTrait trait method:

API of rating builder

  • model($model) - set what you will give rating for. When using via trait this can be ommited, because we already know the model we will rate.
  • give(5) - set the rating. The return value is \Dorvidas\Ratings\Models\Rating model.
  • by($user) - set who is rating model. If skipped authorised user is used.
  • on($model) - this is used to define what a user is rated for. Speaking in Laravel terminology we define on which model we rate a user. Below example of rating a user for post:
$post = Post::first();
$user = User::first();
  • as($role) - this is used to define what was a role of a user. Speaking in Laravel terminology we define which model's column holds the user ID. If omitted it is expected that the column is user_id. An real life example could be giving different ratings for post author and illustrator:
$author = User::first();
$illustrator = User::skip(1)->first();

Getting a ratings

Ratings are retrieved via \Dorvidas\Ratings\Rating model. Model ratings can be retrieved by querying ratings relations on a model. Relations is polymorphic. Don't forget to add \Dorvidas\Ratings\MOdels\RateableTrait for it to work.

Rating model fields:

  • model - name of the rated model.
  • model_id - ID of rated model.
  • on_model - this is usually used when we rate a User and want to define what for (on which model) we rate him i.e., on "Post".
  • on_model_id - ID of the model we rate model. If we rate use on "Post" this would be post ID.
  • on_model_column - when rating using on model, with this we define what column defines user id. By default this is user_id.
  • rated_by - ID of the user who rated.
  • rating - actual rating.

Rating model query scopes:

  • of - filter ratings of a model. It filter by model and model_id columns.
  • on - filter ratings on specific model. It filter by on_model and on_model_id columns.
  • as - filter ratings by role. It filter by on_model_column column.
  • model - filter by model column.
  • modelId - filter by model_id column.
  • onModel - filter by model on_model column.
  • onModelId - filter by on_model_id column.


An basic exampe of getting rating list of a "Post":

$post = Post::first();
$ratings = Rating::of($post)->get();

If there is no model object, you can pass model ID and model type via scopes modelId and model:

$postId = 1;
$ratings = Rating::model(Post::class)->modelId($modelId)->get();

//Or doing where statements
$ratings = Rating::where('model', Post::class)->where('model_id, $postId)->get();

If we want to get ratings of a user on specific model:

$user = User::first();
$post = Post::first();
$user->ratings()->on($post)->first(); //Returns Rating model instance
$user->ratings()->on($post)->first()->rating; //Returns actual rating

If we want to get ratings of a user on specific model for a specific role:

$user = User::first();
$post = Post::first();

Getting rating aggregates

Rating aggregates are stored in table rating_aggregates. If class is using trait RateableTrait you can get aggregates by querying polymorphic relationship:


Whenever a rating is created an \Dorvidas\Ratings\Events\RatingCreatedEvent event is thrown. There is also a listener \Dorvidas\Ratings\Listeners\RecalculateRatingAggregatesListener which updates aggregate entry. So don't forget to register those events and listener.


  • database_prefix - allows to add database prefix.

