
Generating models







Laravel model generator

Simple generator base on laracademy/generators, extending model generation. Generates model like in Yii framework. Create or update model base on existing table.

Create BaseModel and Model. If there are changes on table schema, regenerating models (by the same command as first generation) process will affect only BaseModel (new rules, fields, etc), so write your logic in Model class to prevent it from overriding.

Also base relations are generated to the models (relation hasOne() and belongsTo() ).

Column parent_id will generate relation to itself, available by parent()

Base extends Colorgreen\Generator\Models\BaseModel which provide on model validation.

$model = new Model();
$model->email = "xxx";

if( !$model->save() )
    print_r( $model->getErrors() );

// if validation will fail, e.g. output:
// {"id":["The id field is required."],"email":["The email must be a valid email address."]}

or use model validation in api controller, example store action

public function store(Request $request)
    $model = new Model();


    return response()->json( [ 'message' => __('Success'), 'redirect' => route('model.edit', [$model] ) ] );

Example 'BaseModel'


namespace App\Models\Base;

use Colorgreen\Generator\Models\BaseModel;

 * Class BasePage
 * @property int id
 * @property string image
 * @property boolean active
 * @property int count
 * @property string email
 * @property int related_model_id
 * @property \App\Models\RelatedModel related_model
class BasePage extends BaseModel
    protected $attributes = [
		'email' => 'default_email', 
		'active' => 1, 
		'count' => 0

    protected static $rules = [
		'id' => 'required|numeric|integer', 
		'image' => 'nullable|string|max:255', 
		'active' => 'nullable|boolean', 
		'count' => 'nullable|numeric|integer', 
		'email' => 'required|string|max:100|email'
	// samlple hasMany relation: check if relation shouldn't be OneToOne ( hasOne() )
	public function pages() {
    		return $this->hasMany('SmallElectron\Cms\Models\Page', 'redirect_type_id' );
	public function related_model() {
		return $this->belongsTo( App\Models\RelatedModel::class, 'related_model_id' );

    protected $table = 'pages';

    protected $fillable = ['image', 'active', 'count', 'email'];

    protected $hidden = [];

    protected $casts = [ 'active' => 'boolean', 'count' => 'integer', 'related_model_id' => 'integer' ];

    protected $dates = ['created_at', 'updated_at'];
    // set in to 'false' if model shouldn't be validated during save.
    // you can turn off validation on specific model using $model->setValidation(false)
    protected $validation = true;


composer require colorgreen/laravel-model-generator



This command will read your database table and generate a model based on that table structure. The fillable fields, casts, dates and even namespacing will be filled in automatically.

You can use this command to generate a single table, multiple tables or all of your tables at once.

  • --name=
    • Use this for custom model name. Default is table name in studle_case and singular. E.g. --name=Page when table name is 'pages' and you want to name your model MyPage.
    • If you use this command provide also one table in --table.
  • --table=
    • This parameter if filled in will generate a model for the given table.
    • You can also pass in a list of tables using comma separated values.
  • --base=
    • Use if you want to have custom BaseModel. E.g. --base=\App\Models\MyBaseModel.
  • --prefix=
    • Set prefix of tables. E.g table 'cms_user_permissions' generate model 'UserPermission'
    • Note that using --prefix option with --all will generate models only for tables that starts from prefix
  • --all
    • If this flag is present, then the table command will be ignored.
    • This will generate a model for all tables found in your database.
    • If --prefix is set relations will be made only within prefixed tables
  • --connection=
    • by default if this option is omitted then the generate will use the default connection found in config/database.php
    • To specify a connection ensure that it exists in your config/database.php first.
  • --folder=
    • by default all models are store in your app/ directory. If you wish to store them in another place you can provide the relative path from your base laravel application.
    • please see examples for more information
  • --namespace=
    • by default all models will have the namespace of App
    • you can change the namespace by adding this option
  • --debug
    • this shows some more information while running


Generating a single table

php artisan cgenerator:modelfromtable --table=users

Will generate model with name User

Generating a single table with custom model name

php artisan cgenerator:modelfromtable --model_name=MyUser --table=users

Generating a multiple tables

php artisan cgenerator:modelfromtable --table=users,posts

Generating all tables

php artisan cgenerator:modelfromtable --all

Generating models from prefixed tables tables

php artisan cgenerator:modelfromtable --all --prefix=foo_

For tables: blog_posts, blog_comments, shop_products, users, command php artisan generate:modelfromtable --all --prefix=blog_ will generate models only for blog_posts and blog_comments, model Post and Comment

Changing to another connection found in database.php and generating models for all tables

php artisan cgenerator:modelfromtable --connection=spark --all

Changing the folder where to /app/Models

php artisan cgenerator:modelfromtable --table=user --folder=app\Models


Based on Laracadeny Generators


Free to use


