
Unofficial package for fetching users information based on National ID Number for Laravel applications.







🗄️ NIDA for Laravel Latest Version on Packagist run-tests Total Downloads Maintained

Unofficial package for fetching users information based on National ID Number for Laravel applications.

Features 🔎

  • Fetch user information based on National ID Number
  • Save user information to database (migration and model)
  • Add command to fetch user information
  • Add helper function to fetch user information
  • Add cache to fetch user information
  • Add tests

Note: User Image and Signature are currently not supported (Depreciated !!)

📦 Prerequisites

  • PHP 8.0 or higher
  • Laravel 8 or above
  • Composer

⬇️ Installation

You can install the package via composer:

composer require alphaolomi/laravel-nida

🔎 Usage

To fetch user information based on ID Number, you can use the following method:

1. Using Facades

use Alphaolomi\Nida\Facades\Nida;

$userData = Nida::getUserData('XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX');

echo $userData;

2. Using static classes

use Alphaolomi\Nida\Nida;

$nida = new Nida();
echo $nida->getUserData('XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX');


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Are you facing any issue with usage of the package, just raise an issue and I looking to fixing it as soon as I can.

🤝 Contributing

Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

🔐 Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.

👏 Credits

📝 License

The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

🌟 Support | Give it a star

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❕ Disclaimers

This is not an official package. It not endorsed by any organization or individual. Authors are not responsible for any misinformation or misuse of the package of any kind. Author is not responsible for any damages caused by use of the package.


