
Menu component for Laravel







Laravel Menu

Latest Version on Packagist Software License Scrutinizer

Simple component for creating menus in Laravel. Instead of using controllers or creating huge blade templates suggests only one configuration file.

Example (resources/menu/default.php):


return [
    //'template' => '', // custom blade template can be provided here

    'items' => [
            'name' => 'Home',
            'link' => route('dashboard'),
            'active' => activeMenuController(\App\Http\Controllers\DashboardController::class),
            'icon' => 'home',
            'name' => 'Users',
            'auth' => authMenuCan('manageUsers'), // Will be shown if user "can" 'manageUsers'.
            // Gate::check('manageUsers') will be checked
            'link' => '/users',
            'active' => activeMenuUrlPrefix('users'), // Will be active for all '/users*' URL's
            'icon' => 'user',
            'name' => trans('complex.auth'),
            'auth' => function (){
                return Gate::check('one') || Gate::check('two');
            'link' => '/complex-auth',
            'active' => activeMenuUrlPrefix('complex-auth'),
            'icon' => 'complex',
            'name' => 'Group',
            'icon' => 'group',
            'items' => [
                    'name' => 'Orders',
                    'link' => '/orders', // route('orders'),
                    'active' => activeMenuController(\App\Http\Controllers\OrdersController::class),
                    'icon' => 'orders',
                    'name' => 'Bar',
                    'link' => '/bar', // route('bar'),
                    'active' => activeMenuController(\App\Http\Controllers\BarController::class),
                    'icon' => 'bar',

Blade template for one-level menus can be very simple:

<!-- Example of menu template with Bootstrap and FontAwesome icons-->
<nav class="navbar navbar-default">
    <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
        @foreach($items as $item)
            <li @if($item['active']) class="active" @endif>
                <a href="{{$item['link']}}" title="{{$item['name']}}">
                    <i class="fa fa-{{$item['icon']}}"></i> {{$item['name']}}

For two-level menus it's more complicated. Example of it is provided by package.


First, require package via composer:

composer require adel/laravel-menu

For Laravel < 5.5 check Laravel < 5.5 installation section.

Then publish some initial configuration and blade template:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Adelf\LaravelMenu\LaravelMenuServiceProvider"

resources/menu/default.php and resources/views/menu/menu.blade.php files will appear. It's just an examples. Provide your own configuration and blade template.


This will render menu's blade template

    {!! LaravelMenu::render() !!}

Title of active item can be used for title:

    {{array_get(LaravelMenu::getLastActiveItem(), 'name', 'Default title')}}

Multiple menus

Another menu can be created by defining it in new file on resources/menu directory. For example, resources/menu/admin.php

    {!! array_get(LaravelMenu::getLastActiveItem('admin'), 'name', 'Default title') !!}
    {!! LaravelMenu::render('admin') !!}

Laravel < 5.5 installation

Service provider and facade should be registered in config/app.php:

'providers' => [
'aliases' => [

    'LaravelMenu' => Adelf\LaravelMenu\Facade::class,