
Customizable mail templates for Laravel in Nova







This package has been archived

Laravel Nova Mail Editor

The Laravel Nova Mail Editor allows you to easily edit the content of your transactional mails.

This package provides a Nova tool for the Laravel Mail Template Engine. Check the documentation of the Laravel Mail Template Engine for more info.


  • Add and edit mail templates in Nova
  • Translate mail templates
  • Add variable data to mails

For the entire list of features take a look at the documentation of the Laravel Mail Template Engine.


The package can be installed through Composer.

composer require statikbe/laravel-nova-mail-editor

Next enable the tool in Nova. Go to app/Providers/NovaServiceProvider.php and add the Mail Editor to the tools.

use Statikbe\NovaMailEditor\MailEditor;

    public function tools()
        return [
            new MailEditor,


Supported locales

There are two ways to change the supported locales.

Option 1

Publish the config file with the command below and configure it with your supported locales.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=nova-mail-editor


    | Mail editor supported locales
    | The application locale determines the possible locales that can be used.
    | You are free to fill this array with any of the locales which will be
    | supported by the editor.
    'supported_locales' => [

Option 2

If your application already has a config that declares your locales then you are able to set the supported locales in any service provider. Create a new one or use the app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php and set the supported locales as an array in the boot function as follows:

use Statikbe\NovaMailEditor\MailEditor;

public function boot()
    $locales = ['en', 'nl']; //Or any other way of retrieving the locales;

(Option 3)

A third non official option is to use a new config key in your app.php config. The key you can use is supported_locales, as in our own config. We provide this method to have a global config key of supported locales. Our translatable packages will try to use this key.

Mail template config

More information about the mail template config can be found in the base package: Laravel Mail Template Engine.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see license file for more information.


