
Toolbox to boot up a Laravel Framework and Tools







This package has been archived

Package for Laravel New Project

ARCHIVED: This project is archived and no longer maintained.

Formerly Laravel Boot

My Laravel boot up framework that I use to scaffold projects.

To create a new project with this framework, run the following command:

composer create-project package-for-laravel/new-project $1

Where $1 is the folder name you'd like to install into.

Development Notes

You could technically use this project set up with something like Valet or create your own virtual machine setup. You'll also have to worry about having a compatible version of NPM on your system (which you could manage with nvm should you want to. This is optimized to use Docker, however. You can see the configuration in the docker-compose.yml file and the environment variable configurations in the .env file.

If you are using something like PHPStorm, you can configure it to use various Docker containers automatically by pointing it to the compose file. Otherwise, you can use the following useful scripts:

  • bin/dev/npm will run a compatible version of NPM in a Docker container but use your local filesystem as the source.
  • bin/dev/composer will allow you to install composer dependencies or run composer scripts in the docker environment. Additionally, it will share your local filesystem cache to speed up working between containers.
  • bin/dev/artisan will run the artisan script inside of the PHP Docker instance.
  • bin/dev/test will run the PHP unit tests using PHPUnit.
  • bin/dev/test-with-coverage will run those same tests, but with html coverage generated in tests/html-coverage.

Different PHP Containers

There are two different PHP containers. The first is the base which could be used for a production-style deploy. But, it's basically the configuration without xdebug. The second is the php instance suffixed with -debug which indicates it has debug tools loaded in it full time (like xdebug currently). The regular instance is used to run unit tests. The debug instance is used for your development (so you can use debugging) and for html code coverage generation.


All configuration options are defined in the .env file. You may change Docker settings there as well.

Unit Testing

Unit testing can be ran with composer test, bin/dev/composer test if using docker, or using bin/dev/test if you'd like to customize your parameters to the unit test run in docker. bin/dev/test is the recommended way (or using a PHPStorm integration).)

npm run test for Javascript tests, or bin/dev/npm run test inside of docker.

IDE Helper

composer ide-helper-update

Lines of Code Generation

composer phploc generates lines of code output in docs/phploc.txt

npm run jsloc generates lines of code output in docs/jsloc.txt

PHP Linting

composer php-lint will run PHPCS, PHP-Code-Sniffer (in Dry Run) and PHP Copy Paste Detector.


There is a section of the composer file that has steps for deployment:

composer deploy will run Laravel config and route caching.

Laravel Boot Automated Functions

  • Install Laravel from the create-project format
  • Copies over .env.example to .env


This package is created and maintained by Aaron Saray


