
A Laravel Nova resource tool.






Nova Cashier Subscription Fields

Nova Cashier Subscription package provide two fields, credit card and plans user can subscribe which can be use similar to Forge/Envoyer like subscription management for user.


  • save credit card information (Stripe)
  • change subscribe plan (Stripe)
  • display message if user is on active plan
  • display message if user is on trial
  • display message if user canceled and if user is still have trial period left
  • display message if user canceled and is user is still on grace period

Table of Contents


credit card and payment plan


This package can be installed via command:

composer require monaye/nova-cashier-subscription



CreditCard::make($intentClientSecret, $stripeKey),

Plan List Format

return [
                'label' => 'Free Plan',
                'value' => self::FREE_PLAN,
                'label' => 'Standard Plan',
                'value' => config('stripe.standard_plan')
                'label' => 'Premium Plan',
                'value' => config('stripe.premium_plan'),

Intent Client Secret

For Intent Client Secret you can simply get with :
Please check Laravel docs for detail

Handle request

Since every application handle little bit differently, the package doesn't come with a controller that will handle the request when user submit the creditcard update and plan update request.

You can defined the FQCN with method name in the config file like below:

    'handleCreditUpdate' => '\App\Http\Controllers\SubscriptionController@changeSubscription',
    'handlePlanUpdate' => '\App\Http\Controllers\SubscriptionController@updateCreditCard'

To publish the config file:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Monaye\NovaCashierSubscription\ToolServiceProvider"


The License is free to use for non-military use and if you are:

  1. Personal use and make less than 1 million US dollar per year
  2. Corporate/Organization make less than 1 million revenue per year

License fees :

If you make more than 1 million US dollar, license fees $100/year. If you corporate/organization make more than 1 million revenue per year, license fees $150/year.

Use of license fee

All the revenue generate from this software will be donate back to following:

  1. To open source community (50%)
  2. To organization that support education for children (25%)
  3. To organization that fight for the Global Warming (25%)

More Screenshots

grace-period-message registred credit card active message


