
A Laravel Eloquent Model trait for adding and using a uuid with models updated for Laravel 9







Laravel Eloquent UUID

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A Laravel Eloquent Model trait for adding and using a uuid with models.

The trait listens to the creating event. It generates a new UUID and saves it in the uuid column on the model.

Featured in Laravel News

The original package is no longer maintained, this fork is updated to be compatible with Laravel 8.0 and Laravel 9.0 where laravel/framework replaces illuminate/support

The author suggested package is not a drop in for this trait, so this fork is a drop in for updated Laravel versions.


composer require kyleboehlen/eloquent-uuid


In order to use this in your models, just put use HasUuidTrait;


namespace App;

use KyleBoehlen\Uuid\HasUuidTrait;

class User extends Eloquent
	use HasUuidTrait;

Schema requirements

In order to use this trait, your schema must be something like:

	// ...
	Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {
		$table->uuid('uuid')->unique(); // this will create a CHAR(36) field
		$table->string('username', 32);
		$table->string('password', 50);
		// ...

Querying your models

You may use the findByUuidOrFail method to try and fetch a model directly:


Route::get('/user/{uuid}', function($uuid) {
    try {
        return App\User::findByUuidOrFail($uuid);
    } catch (Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException $e) {

Since uuid gets registered as Route Key using implicit binding[], your resource controllers will use uuid instead of default id column.


    php artisan make:controller UserController --resource

/users/{user} route uses uuid i.e. /users/bff37872-1450-47c7-b9f7-9a6d917796cf

You may also use the withUuid and withUuids local query scopes with the query builder.


Route::get('/user/{uuid}', function($uuid) {
    $user = App\User::withUuid($uuid)->first();
    if (! $user) {
        // Do something else...

Route::delete('/users', function(Request $request) {
    // Receive an array of UUIDs
    $uuids = $request->input('uuids');

    // Try to get the Users
    $users = App\User::withUuids($uuids)->all();
    // Handle the delete and return


This package is 100% free and open-source, under the MIT license. Use it however you want.

This package is Treeware. If you use it in production, then we ask that you buy the world a tree to thank us for our work. By contributing to the Treeware forest you’ll be creating employment for local families and restoring wildlife habitats.


