
Service provider to load Laravel validator definitions from files or directories







This package has been archived

Service provider for Validator Loader

Allows you to source your validation rules out into files (.json, .yml, .php) or structure them in directories. Comes with a simple inheritance feature and variables to reduce writing the same regex (or whatnot) over and over again (see the Validator Validator Loader package).


$ php composer.phar require "frbit/validator-loader-laravel:*"

Now add the service provider and the facade (if you want) to app/config/app.php


return array(
    # ...
    'providers' => array(
        # ...

    # ...
    'aliases' => array(
        # ...
        'ValidatorLoader' => 'Frbit\ValidatorLoader\Laravel\Facade\ValidatorLoader'


This package provides a facade and registeres with the IoC Container.

Please see the readme of the Validator Loader package for examples for validation rules.

Using the facade

Somewhere in your model or controller:


// get the input for validation
$input = Input::all();

// this returns just the same as Laravel's \Validator::make($input, $rules) would
$validator = \ValidatorLoader::get("my-form", $input);
if ($validator->fails()) {
    # ..

Using the IoC

Somewhere in your model or controller:


// get the input for validation
$input = Input::all();

// this returns just the same as Laravel's \Validator::make($input, $rules) would
$loader    = \App::make("validator-loader");
$validator = $loader->get("my-form", $input);
if ($validator->fails()) {
    # ..


First publish the configuration

$ php artisan config:publish frbit/validator-loader-laravel

You can find the config in app/config/packages/frbit/validator-loader-laravel

Rules in file

Having all validation rules in a single file. Set source to file and write your validation rules in sources.file:


return array(
    'source'  => 'file',
    'sources' => array(

        // relative paths are considered realtive to app folder
        'file' => 'path/to/file'

Rules in directory

When extensive validation rules are required or a neat structure is preferred. Set source to directory and write your validation rules in


return array(
    'source'  => 'directory',
    'sources' => array(

        // relative paths are considered realtive to app folder
        'directory' => 'path/to/directory'

Rules in array

For testing, I suppose. Set source to array and write your validation rules in sources.array:


return array(
    'source'  => 'array',
    'sources' => array(
        'array' => array(
            # ..


Especially for directory sources, loading validation rules can lead to increased disk i/o on each request which reduces performances. Caching allows you to mitigate this.


return array(
    // time in minutes -> set to 0 to disable caching
    'cache'     => 123,

    // key name under which cache is stored
    'cache-key' => 'some-key-name',

